Energy Ball for Peace Journeys:
You are welcome to join us on an exciting, and important adventure of bringing a burst of Light and Peace to Jerusalem, Israel and Palestine; while touring traditional sacred sights, exploring mystical places and earth energy vortexes.
During the tour there will be instructions on how to intensify your healing powers and connect to the vibration of Peace in Jerusalem and each location we go. You will have opportunity to meet those who carry the vision for creating a peaceful reality!
Each day we will create many Energy Ball for Peace Ceremonies in different locations and send healing, peaceful light to places and people in need.
This is a golden opportunity to create and participate in the Vibration for World Peace in the eye of the storm.
A few of the places to visit:
Old City of Jerusalem, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem Forest, Mount of Olives,
The Sea of Galilee , biblical sites,
Golan Heights- springs,
Qumran- Dead sea scrolls
Dead Sea- float on the water
Other activities include meeting with local Spiritual peace friends.
Walking on this land especially for the first time enlivens the soul. There is good reason, for it is a mystical land, and being upon it releases the soul's unique memory.
During the tour there will be instructions on how to intensify your healing powers and connect to the vibration of Peace in Jerusalem and each location we go. You will have opportunity to meet those who carry the vision for creating a peaceful reality!
Each day we will create many Energy Ball for Peace Ceremonies in different locations and send healing, peaceful light to places and people in need.
This is a golden opportunity to create and participate in the Vibration for World Peace in the eye of the storm.
A few of the places to visit:
Old City of Jerusalem, Ein Kerem, Jerusalem Forest, Mount of Olives,
The Sea of Galilee , biblical sites,
Golan Heights- springs,
Qumran- Dead sea scrolls
Dead Sea- float on the water
Other activities include meeting with local Spiritual peace friends.
Walking on this land especially for the first time enlivens the soul. There is good reason, for it is a mystical land, and being upon it releases the soul's unique memory.