Couple Bonding Ceremony

This ceremony is for partners who wish to merge their individual Energetic Bodies (auras) into a solid Couple Energy Field. It is excellent for all couples, particularly those who are preparing to be married, and for those who are wanting to renew their relationship.
This ceremony is a very intimate experience and is for couples who:
o Are ready to strongly commit to one another
o Wish to improve their relationship and to have better couple communication
o Want to feel easier and lighter with each other and to enjoy life together more!
o Would like to blend energetically and spiritually stronger so that they may clarify and strengthen their Overall Energy Bodies (aura).
o Are preparing to have a child, or require assistance with becoming pregnant.
What happens in a Couple Bonding Ceremony?
1) In preparation for the Ceremony each partner receives a private Attunement session. This helps to release past relationships and any traumas or stuck energy around them. (Sometimes a series of preparation treatments is needed for one or both partners.)
2) To guide the relationship to mature in a healthy way, an honest conversation about past relationships and fantasies about relationships are considered together. This conversation may include what expectations each partner has of the other.
3) The actual Ceremony starts with the couple lying down side by side on two massage tables. Words of blessings and appreciation for the couple are spoken.
4) A Couple Attunement is then simultaneously shared with the couple energetically connecting and blending their Overall Energy Bodies.
5) The couple is then guided into a meditation, where they may envision a harmonious life together.
This ceremony is a very intimate experience and is for couples who:
o Are ready to strongly commit to one another
o Wish to improve their relationship and to have better couple communication
o Want to feel easier and lighter with each other and to enjoy life together more!
o Would like to blend energetically and spiritually stronger so that they may clarify and strengthen their Overall Energy Bodies (aura).
o Are preparing to have a child, or require assistance with becoming pregnant.
What happens in a Couple Bonding Ceremony?
1) In preparation for the Ceremony each partner receives a private Attunement session. This helps to release past relationships and any traumas or stuck energy around them. (Sometimes a series of preparation treatments is needed for one or both partners.)
2) To guide the relationship to mature in a healthy way, an honest conversation about past relationships and fantasies about relationships are considered together. This conversation may include what expectations each partner has of the other.
3) The actual Ceremony starts with the couple lying down side by side on two massage tables. Words of blessings and appreciation for the couple are spoken.
4) A Couple Attunement is then simultaneously shared with the couple energetically connecting and blending their Overall Energy Bodies.
5) The couple is then guided into a meditation, where they may envision a harmonious life together.