Attunement Summit Gatherings

The Attunement Summit gatherings started in 2020 after the Safe Peace Zoom calls began to have a consistent audience. On one call, I shared my idea of having a Zoom gathering for those who love Attunement and asked if anyone wished to help. Several people said yes. Then Lloyd Meeker joined us, saying he also had a similar idea. Linda Tisch came up with the name Attunement Summit, and off we went.
Our initiation was with two events in August 2020, one week after the other. Since then, we have held Attunement Summits every year near the equinoxes and solstices. A few years back we realized that some of the people wished to continue with the Summit theme, so we chose a time in-between, calling them the Cross-Quarter Days. So far, we have had 15 Summits and 11 Cross-Quarter Days. The attendance varies- usually between 40-80 participants.
Our theme changes, with each event. Last year our overall theme for the year was Sanctuary. The steering committee, made up of Linda Tisch, Lloyd Meeker, Marsea Spiegel, Judie Diamond, Tricia Heriz-Smith, Elsa Swyers, and myself considered together and eventually we found a theme. It usually comes quite naturally and as a group we have learned to listen in an enjoyable way. Recently, Elsa and Trisha have stepped back from the steering committee, and we are now 5. We will miss them!
The theme is a guiding post for us to consider and experience the myriad ways Attunement manifests in our world.
The theme that we are working on now relates to bringing Attunement out into manifestation. One way is with Field Groups. These are where a small group of people come together in the Attunement current. If you would like to join a Field Group, contact me.
Many of those who participate have been practicing Attunement for 30 or more years, which makes the collective Atmosphere rich with Sparkly Mature Attunement Energy!
A collective spiritual bond is growing in a friendly, warm, family atmosphere. You are welcome to join. Contact me for details.
Our initiation was with two events in August 2020, one week after the other. Since then, we have held Attunement Summits every year near the equinoxes and solstices. A few years back we realized that some of the people wished to continue with the Summit theme, so we chose a time in-between, calling them the Cross-Quarter Days. So far, we have had 15 Summits and 11 Cross-Quarter Days. The attendance varies- usually between 40-80 participants.
Our theme changes, with each event. Last year our overall theme for the year was Sanctuary. The steering committee, made up of Linda Tisch, Lloyd Meeker, Marsea Spiegel, Judie Diamond, Tricia Heriz-Smith, Elsa Swyers, and myself considered together and eventually we found a theme. It usually comes quite naturally and as a group we have learned to listen in an enjoyable way. Recently, Elsa and Trisha have stepped back from the steering committee, and we are now 5. We will miss them!
The theme is a guiding post for us to consider and experience the myriad ways Attunement manifests in our world.
The theme that we are working on now relates to bringing Attunement out into manifestation. One way is with Field Groups. These are where a small group of people come together in the Attunement current. If you would like to join a Field Group, contact me.
Many of those who participate have been practicing Attunement for 30 or more years, which makes the collective Atmosphere rich with Sparkly Mature Attunement Energy!
A collective spiritual bond is growing in a friendly, warm, family atmosphere. You are welcome to join. Contact me for details.