January 6: Emotional Clarity 18:00 UTC
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81908716804?pwd=RHNrWlU5MkFGSElNTnNDTUg3VVJCdz09
Meeting ID: 819 0871 6804 Passcode: 304189
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81908716804?pwd=RHNrWlU5MkFGSElNTnNDTUg3VVJCdz09
Meeting ID: 819 0871 6804 Passcode: 304189
During this experiential zoom event you will learn EmotionAid® and how to utilize the Energy Ball to assist with emotional clarify.
EmotionAid® is a toolkit of five simple steps for self-regulation and can also be utilized to give emotional first aid to others.
It is based on the organic tools from Somatic Experiencing® and the latest developments in brain research.
Just as we can strengthen our physical muscles with exercise, we can strengthen our nervous system (our emotional muscle) and restore its resilience by practicing healthy responses to threat and trauma.
This method is specially designed for the public at large and professionals who work in situations of stress. It helps with preventing anxiety, burnout, and trauma from entering the nervous system.
The Energy Ball is formed between the hands and is the Life Energy running though the physical body. It has many uses, during this workshop we will utilize it to help release tension from our solar plexus and for grounding.
EmotionAid® is a toolkit of five simple steps for self-regulation and can also be utilized to give emotional first aid to others.
It is based on the organic tools from Somatic Experiencing® and the latest developments in brain research.
Just as we can strengthen our physical muscles with exercise, we can strengthen our nervous system (our emotional muscle) and restore its resilience by practicing healthy responses to threat and trauma.
This method is specially designed for the public at large and professionals who work in situations of stress. It helps with preventing anxiety, burnout, and trauma from entering the nervous system.
The Energy Ball is formed between the hands and is the Life Energy running though the physical body. It has many uses, during this workshop we will utilize it to help release tension from our solar plexus and for grounding.