A Workshop for Personal and Collective Empowerment
October 9th 19:30 to 22:30
With Yonatan Font Moxo and Jeffrey Goldstein
Arthur Hantke Street 15
As we sing from our Soul a sacred vibration is created.
As we attune with this Energetic vibration the atmosphere in and around us changes into sacredness.
As we sing from our Sou collectively, we create a frequency of healing and transformation for the group and each individual who has created this vibration.
During the workshop the following activities will take place:
•Energy Ball Exercises
•A lesson about creating Sacred songs
•Stories about Collective Singing and Healing Circles
•Concluding with a group Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony.
This workshop is designed to open our collective heart and send a blessing to our world!!
About the facilitators:
Jeffrey Goldstein is a Spiritual guide and Alternative Trauma Therapist utilizing the methods of Attunement and Somatic Experiencing®. He lives in Jerusalem, Israel and is the author of the book Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony ~ Personal Health and Global Blessing. He was the organizer of the Jerusalem Festival of Light gathering for 12 years.
Yonatan Font Moxo practices meditation and various forms of holistic healing work since the age of 8, is also using sound and music for healing in various forms, such as sacred singing circles, writing, composing and recording songs as well as creating music for meditation and dance meditation journeys.
The fee for the workshop is on a sliding scale: 100 - 150 NIS
For registration please contact:
[email protected] - 052-655-7195
[email protected]
October 9th 19:30 to 22:30
With Yonatan Font Moxo and Jeffrey Goldstein
Arthur Hantke Street 15
As we sing from our Soul a sacred vibration is created.
As we attune with this Energetic vibration the atmosphere in and around us changes into sacredness.
As we sing from our Sou collectively, we create a frequency of healing and transformation for the group and each individual who has created this vibration.
During the workshop the following activities will take place:
•Energy Ball Exercises
•A lesson about creating Sacred songs
•Stories about Collective Singing and Healing Circles
•Concluding with a group Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony.
This workshop is designed to open our collective heart and send a blessing to our world!!
About the facilitators:
Jeffrey Goldstein is a Spiritual guide and Alternative Trauma Therapist utilizing the methods of Attunement and Somatic Experiencing®. He lives in Jerusalem, Israel and is the author of the book Energy Ball for Peace Ceremony ~ Personal Health and Global Blessing. He was the organizer of the Jerusalem Festival of Light gathering for 12 years.
Yonatan Font Moxo practices meditation and various forms of holistic healing work since the age of 8, is also using sound and music for healing in various forms, such as sacred singing circles, writing, composing and recording songs as well as creating music for meditation and dance meditation journeys.
The fee for the workshop is on a sliding scale: 100 - 150 NIS
For registration please contact:
[email protected] - 052-655-7195
[email protected]