Notes about Building the Healing Spiral in the Jerusalem Forest 2024
Healing Spiral in Jerusalem Forest. In the building process
Spiral June 29 This morning, I came over to the Healing Spiral to continue to work on it, to tend it, and realized that it is truly a Vortex of Energy, and it is becoming an antenna for Light. I've invited many Angels to join in from all over the universe. I have swept it and it is beginning to look beautiful! My intention is to make another one and a half rounds to the spiral. There is an energy that is very reassuring. I love being near it and it how it brings me into contemplation. I realized that the reason I made it is to show Earth Mother that at least one human being loves her and appreciates her power and sacredness. My hope is that this vibration can counteract the destructive forces all around the planet. It is a big hope, but light is so much stronger than all of this chaos and darkness and this portal keeps sending out more and more light as I work on it and welcome in more and more Angels.
July 2024 I'm in the process of building another Healing Spiral with stones in the Jerusalem Forest. When utilized with the Attunement Current, this geometric shape has the ability to focus light energy into a potent force of Light. During our peace vigils, I shared how I have used and continue to utilize Healing spirals to send out a nourishing and a spiritual blessing current of Light. This current can be focused and mine right now is to invite all government officials connected to the Middle East to listen to their spirit and act with integrity. Imagine what will take place in the Middle East when all the countries work together as a team for the benefit of everyone.
July 6 I came back up to the healing spiral to adjust the rocks from large to small. Today I found the shell casing in the middle of the healing spiral. Thoughts of soldiers running and shooting in the same place of the Healing Spiral, I sense that the ground is crying for healing. Earth has so much to give and human beings know that and take advantage but when we give back with kindness and love and generosity and respect the Earth rejoices and becomes Bountiful and there is a feeling that comes with it of love and harmony and nurturing. Today many many shell casings of all sizes are finding their way onto the ground; someone will find them one day and say I remember a day when there was war in this area and now I'm going to make a Healing Spiral to transform that heavy energy into the light.
July 4, 2024: Healing Spirals and World Blessing About 8 years ago, I was walking in one of my favorite places and began to make a mandala using stones and shortly I realized that was making a spiral and then learned that it magnifies Light! Over the years I have made many Healing Spirals. They become Healing Spirals because they are charged with intention. Similar to charging an Energy Ball with intention. Charging a Healing Spiral with intention requires ceremoniously walking the entire spiral several times with a clear consciousness. At the beginning, I walk and release what is happening inside of myself, then on the next walk I connect to and release some of the tensions in the physical land around me and on the outwalk filling all the earth with Light. During other rounds I connect to the world situation in the present moment on the in walk and on the outwalk, I stimulate the sparking energy of forgiveness.
Thoughts: July 2024 Healing spirals magnify light, they are made of stones ceremoniously placed to form a spiral. I make them large enough that a person can walk inside of them. They can also be made in a small way by spirally moving your finger and you imagine walking through one. When we focus Life Energy in a spiral form it begins to go upwards into the sky where it can connect to Angels and downward into the Earth where it connects to the Earth elements and the sources of life, water, animals, minerals... Healing spirals are best made on flat areas; I like to find large natural flat stones and build them on top of them.